Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Late Blog

I know. I missed a blog. It's sad.

No excuses, but the truth is that the Women's Studies crew has been shooting almost non-stop since Sunday morning. I've clocked in a total of about sixteen hours of sleep since then, so rather than fight through exhaustion for lame captions, I'm going to break tradition and post more than one blog a week.

This week's blog will go up sometime tomorrow. (Thursday,7/26/07) There will be forty, count 'em FORTY, pictures from last week's "Iris's Parent's House" shoot.

We'll return to your regularly scheduled blog on Tuesday, July 31 with pictures and a report from our shoot with Judith O'Dea.

Excuse me while I go comatose for the next sixteen hours.

1 comment:

test said...


(and I mean that literally, for me anyway ;p)

Yay pics!